Wage Earners Welfare Board Scholarship 2023
Wage Earners Welfare Board Scholarship 2023
Wage Earners Welfare Board. Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Foreign Employment Expatriate Welfare Building 71-72 Iskaton Garden, Ramna, Dhaka-1000. (www.wewb.gov.bd) No: 89.08.0000. (11) – 209
Applications are invited for “Study Scholarship for Children of Expatriate Workers” in SSC/Equivalent-2022 and HSC/Equivalent-2021 category.
Among the meritorious children of expatriate workers who passed the SSC / equivalent extion in various educations of the country
11th / Equivalent or Diploma (in 1st Semester / Year) and
Merit studying in HSC/Equivalent Category in University/Medical (1st Semester/Year) in 2021
Online applications are invited from the students subject to the following conditions.
(1) Children of expatriate workers can apply for scholarships
(a) has accepted the exit pass of BMET / Membership of Wage Earners Welfare Board;
(b) in the case of a deceased expatriate worker, the family of the deceased has received or will receive financial assistance from the Board.
(2) Candidates who have obtained GPA / CGPA subject to the conditions mentioned in the table below can apply for category FFFF.
GPA / CGPA Abroad as per Bangladesh Curriculum
In case of child of working worker In case of child of deceased expatriate worker OS SSC / Equivalent 8.00 8.00 Department of Science Humanities &
Commerce Department 8.90 8,00 HSC / Equivalent Science Department 8.00 4.80 8.00 Humanities and Commerce Department 8.00
(3) The following documents should be submitted along with the application form:
a) Supporting documents as evidence in favor of parent/mother being a migrant worker, such as passport, DISA and
With BMET Exit Clearance / Manpower Clearance
Copy of Passport / Smart Card or Membership of Wage Earners Welfare Board through Bangladesh Mission abroad;
b) 02 (two) copies of student’s passport size photo attested by the head of the educational institution;
c) Photocopy of original marks sheet (marksheet) of SSC/equivalent
examination (applicable for technical students) attested by Head of Institution;
d) Photocopy of NOC (Embassy Certificate) issued by Bangladesh Mission abroad in case of children of deceased expatriate workers.
Amount of Scholarship:
a) Nominated for scholarship in SSC / equivalent category
02 (two) years for students up to 11th and 12th standard and 04 (four) years monthly for diploma students
2,000/- (two thousand) Taka and University in HSC/Equivalent category (1st semester/year) 4 years and
2,500/- monthly scholarship for 5 years for medical will be provided.
In this case, the session congestion of the student will not be taken into consideration;
b) Scholarship in SSC/Equivalent HSC/Equivalent category along with annual one-time books and study materials.
3,500/- (three thousand five hundred) and 4,000/- (four thousand) will be paid for other incidental expenses respectively.
Britti Wage Earners Welfare Board
The Ministry of Education is providing financial assistance to the students
Financial Grant Application Procedure…
Chandpur District Parishad Scholarship
Chittagong District Parishad Scholarship
Sylhet Zilla Parishad Scholarship
Noakhali Zilla Parishad Scholarship
(5) Application Process:
A) All students have to apply online. Online Application Link: http://stipen.wewb.gov.bd/stipend
b) Only SSC / Diploma (Board of Technical Education) students in equivalent category will apply directly / by post.
Free application form can be collected from Wage Earners Welfare Board website www.wewb.gov.bd and apply directly.
The documents mentioned in serial no-3 should be submitted along with the application.
c) The online / direct application form of the applicant should be duly filled and submitted along with the necessary documents by 15 April 2023
All Department Scholarship Wage Earners Welfare Board Scholarship Wage Earners Welfare Board Scholarship
In case of direct/postal applications, the Director of Applications (IRP),
Wage Earners Welfare Board, 9th Floor, Pravasi Kalyan Bhavan, 71-72 Old Elephant Road, Iskaton Garden, Ramna Dhaka-1000 should be reached.
No application received after said date will be entertained:
d) Student’s mobile number and his/her mother/father’s mobile number must be
mentioned in the application form.
2022 Wage Earners Welfare Board Scholarship
(6) Only students of Diploma (Technical Board) in SSC / Equivalent category shall apply by direct / post.
Other category students will apply online.
(7) Incomplete applications will be considered rejected and the decision of the authority regarding award of scholarship will be final.

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