Bangabandhu Scholarship 2022
Bangabandhu Scholarship will be given to the children of freedom fighters who have passed HSC and equivalent examinations and are studying in higher education and the next generation. Bangladesh Muktijoddha Kalyan Trust has called for online application for this.
The scholarship will be given to 843 students in the 10th phase. You can apply online till June 30. This information was given in a notification of Muktijoddha Welfare Trust.
এসএসসি ও এইচএসসি পাশে শিক্ষাবৃত্তির আবেদন চলছে
- CZM Scholarship 2022 মাসিক ৩০০০ টাকা হারে মোট ৭২০০০ টাকা
- ইমদাদ সিতারা খান বৃত্তি ২০২২ বছরে ১৮০০০ টাকা হারে মোট ৭২০০০ টাকা
- জাগো ফাউন্ডেশন শিক্ষাবৃত্তি
- বর্ডার গার্ড বাংলাদেশ (BGB) শিক্ষাবৃত্তি ২০২২
According to the notification of Bangabandhu Scholarship, online application is being invited from Bangladesh Muktijoddha Welfare Trust for providing Bangabandhu Scholarship to the children of freedom fighters who have passed HSC and equivalent examinations and are studying in higher education. In the tenth phase, the number of scholarships for 2021 is 743.
Apart from this, candidates from Bangladesh Muktijoddha Kalyan Trust can send this application form online. The Trust’s website ) contains detailed information and terms.
Bangabandhu Scholarship application can be made from the internal e-service of the website. The authority reserves the right to cancel, change or extend the notification at any time, the notification said.
Bangabandhu Scholarship 2022
Purpose of Bangabandhu Scholarship:
Meritorious children of the freedom fighters, providing support and encouragement to the next generation in reading and writing.
Awakening and strengthening of the new generation in the flow of consciousness, history and tradition of liberation war.
onging on scholarship list:
- (১) জেলা পরিষদ শিক্ষাবৃত্তি
- (২) District Council Scholarship
- (৩) ব্যবিলন শিক্ষাবৃত্তি
- (৪) গোপালগঞ্জ জেলা পরিষদ শিক্ষাবৃত্তি
- (৫) সোনালী ব্যাংক শিক্ষাবৃত্তি
- (৬) ইমদাদ সিতারা খান শিক্ষাবৃত্তি
- (৭) চট্টগ্রাম জেলা পরিষদ শিক্ষাবৃত্তি
Terms of application:
Students studying in higher education with higher secondary education will be able to apply for the scholarship. You have to apply for this scholarship before 2 years have passed after passing the higher secondary.
This scholarship will continue till the completion of the total period of higher education i.e. maximum Masters / Equivalence studying the applicant, and will be valid for a maximum of 5 years. However, scholarships will continue to be provided for the extra time required to complete the Honors / Masters / Equivalence due to the session jam.
Scholarships will be given to 1/2 of the interested and meritorious PhD candidates for the war of liberation as per the policy every year
Students who have passed the Higher Secondary Examination and are studying in Higher Education will be able to apply for the scholarship. You have to apply for this scholarship before two years have elapsed since passing the Higher Secondary.
Meritorious sons and daughters of freedom fighters, sons and daughters of sons and daughters and the next generation.
Students whose father / mother / guardian has a monthly income of less than Rs.
Ineligibility of application:
No application can be made for this scholarship if two years have elapsed since passing the Higher Secondary Examination.
Twice unsuccessful applicants for the scholarship will not be considered eligible to apply.
If any student is found to be involved in any activities against the spirit of the Liberation War or if he / she is morally degraded or has been convicted of a criminal offense (at home / abroad) then he / she will not be considered as eligible to apply.
Students whose parents / guardians have a monthly income of more than Rs.
the applicant receives scholarship from any other source of government.
f not the son and daughter of the freedom fighter, son and daughter of the son and daughter and the next generation.
not applied in the prescribed application form.
Bangabandhu Scholarship 2022
Method of awarding Bangabandhu scholarship:
1) As per the decision of the Scholarship Management Committee, applications will be invited for the preparation of merit list according to the results of secondary and higher secondary examinations every year.
2) In addition to the advertisement, the Muktijoddha Sangsad Upazila Command will be informed to the Muktijoddha Sangsad Upazila Command through the Central Command Council in order to inform all the Muktijoddha families about the notification at the right time.
3) You have to apply in the prescribed online form of Bangabandhu Student Scholarship of Bangladesh Muktijoddha Welfare Trust.
1. The Director (Welfare) on behalf of Muktijoddha Welfare Trust will be in constant touch with the educational institution of the scholarship students and will collect the information of the students by establishing collaborative relationship.
2. A separate file will be maintained by the Welfare Department for each scholarship student, all the information will be stored starting from the initial application for the scholarship.
3. The Welfare Department will collect study related information from the concerned educational institution every six months for the scholarship students.
4. Every year the welfare department will collect the examination results of the scholarship students from the educational institution and evaluate the results. The educational institution will review the results of the concerned students by collecting the average results of the class.
Bangabandhu Scholarship 2022
Conditions for maintaining the scholarship:
1) Scholarship student must be a regular student.
2) The student who has received the scholarship has to submit the progress report from the concerned educational institution for the year and the certificate of the head of the institution / department head to the welfare department of the trust.
3) Scholarship will be stopped directly if you fail the exam or do not pass the next academic year from your own academic year.
4) Scholarship will be terminated if the result of the student is worse than the average result of the total number of students in the respective class of the institution where the scholarship student will study.
Amount of Bangabandhu Scholarship:
1) Scholarship amount is Rs. 1,000 / – (one thousand) per month irrespective of students and class (year). Scholarship money will be sent to the student’s account on monthly / quarterly basis.
2) If the scholarship student is studying in medical and engineering then the rate of monthly scholarship should be fixed a little more than others. The decision in this regard will be taken by the executive committee. The monthly scholarship rate for two PhD students will be determined by the Executive Committee on the basis of required expenditure for research.
Bangabandhu Scholarship 2022
Quota system: There will be a quota of at least one student in each upazila of Bangladesh out of 643 students in each batch. This one will be selected according to the merit based upazila. The number of scholarships that will be left after giving one scholarship in each upazila will be determined according to the nationwide merit list.
Scholarship Coverage Increase: The number of students receiving scholarships and the amount of monthly stipend will be gradually increased if the financial condition of the trust improves in stages.
Application link:
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