Imdad Sitara Khan Scholarship Committee is now collecting scholarship applications from meritorious but financially disadvantaged students who passed S.S.C (Science, Humanities, Business) in year 2020 and are currently enrolled in 1st year (education year 2020-2021) H.S.C.
Eligibility Requirements For Higher Secondary Level Applicants
- GPA 5 without the fourth subject for students of Science
- G.P.A 4.5 without the fourth subject for students of Business
- GPA 4.25 without the fourth subject for students of Humanities
Application Guidelines
- A certificate of enrollment from the current educational institute (certified by the head of the institute/Hall Super/Provost)
- Photocopy of Mark-Sheet and Transcript (certified by the teacher of the currently enrolled institute) of S.S.C examination result.
- Two copies of Passport style recent photos (attested by teach of the currently enrolled institute)
- The applicant needs to write an essay in 300-400 words describing why he/she deserves the scholarship
- For extra-curricular activities, submit photocopy of the certificate of accomplishment, certified by the head of the current educational institute
- The application may be cancelled if there is any discrepancy found in the information provided by the applicant
Students are hereby requested to submit application in A4 size paper and send it in the following address by March 15, 2021 via mail/courier/in person. Please contact 02-48114499, 01713-036360, 01773-610009. numbers if there is any question.
Chairman, Imdad Sitara Khan Scholarship Selection Committee
302 Mirpur Road, Shyamoli, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207
For a sample application form and the original advertisement published in news papers, please click below:
To Know More About Scholarship News (Domestic & International) & Admission News, Please Visit Our Website Regularly.
ইমদাদ সিতারা খান বৃত্তি, Imdad-Sitara Khan Scholarship2020 Bachelor Level, Imdad-Sitara Khan Scholarship for Bachelor Level, IMDAD SITARA KHAN FOUNDATION bitti-2021, ইমদাদ সিতারা খান ফাউন্ডেশন বৃত্তি -২০২১, ইমদাদ সিতারা খান শিক্ষাবৃত্তি ২০২১, ইমদাদ সিতারা খান শিক্ষাবৃত্তি-2022, ইমদাদ সিতারা খান শিক্ষাবৃত্তি ২০২২, ইমদাদ সিতারা খান শিক্ষাবৃত্তি ২০২১, Imdad Sitara Khan Britti 2022, Imdad Sitara Khan Scholarship for ssc,