SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021. The six week assignment has been prepared in the light of SSC 2021 short syllabus. Below is the SSC-2021 six week assignment and Solution:
The last date for submission of assignment is 29 August 2021
6th Week Assignment & Answer SSC 2021
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
Chemistry Assignment SSC-2021 6th Week

Level: SSC Exam 2021, Category: Science; Subject: Chemistry, Subject Code: 138; Total number: 12, Assignment number: 04
Chapter and Chapter Title: Chapter-III: The Structure of Matter and Chapter Five:
Chemical Bonding;
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
The use of radioactive isotopes of the elements present in the compounds
by reviewing different
compounds and the use of radioactive isotopes of the element present in the compounds by
reviewing the following compounds Preparation of report.
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
Learning Outcomes / Content:
1. Be able to explain the use of isotopes;
2. Be able to explain the concept of validity electrons;
Instructions (signal / step / circumference):
A) the calculation of atoms in 6 compounds must be calculated;
B) variable plan and latent plan should be calculated;
C) In case of variable plan, large plan should be considered as maximum plan;
D) write down the use of radioactive isotopes;
See Chemistry Answer
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
SSC 2021 Six Week Higher Mathematics Assignment

Level: SSC Exam 2021, Category: Science; Subject: Higher Mathematics, Subject Code: 128; Total number: 14, Assignment number: 04
৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহ অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান এসএসসি ২০২১,
Chapter and Chapter Title: Chapter-VII; Infinite series;
Assignment: Solve problem related to infinite series;
You have gone to a strange country. There are 10 boxes under a tree. Each box has a fraction
written on it. The boxes are arranged in such a way that the order of
the fractions looks like the figure below;
এসএসসি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহ অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান ২০২১
The fraction obtained by expressing the product of fractions in
the smallest form is m / k
Learning Outcome Content:
(1)Be able to explain the concept of hierarchy;
(2)Be able to identify infinite streams;
(3)Be able to explain the condition of having
the sum of infinite multiplicative series;
(4)Be able to determine the sum of infinite multiplicative currents;
(5)Be able to express repeated decimal numbers in infinite multiplicative order
and convert them into common fractions;
See Higher Math Answer
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
SSC 2021 Six Week Biology Assignment

SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
Level: SSC Exam 2021, Category: Science; Subject: Biology, Subject Code: 138; Total number: 20, Assignment number: 04
Chapter and Chapter Title: Chapter-IV; Vitality;
Assignment: Identifying the stages of respiration through play
and analyzing energy production and use;
See Biology Answer
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most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
SSC 2021 6th Week Accounting Assignment

Level: SSC Exam 2021, Category: Business Education; Subject: Accounting Science, Subject Code: 148; Total number: 12, Assignment number: 04
Chapter and Chapter Title: Chapter-VI; Translations into Assamese:
Assignment: Prepare special journal for recording transactions;
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
Helpful information:
Following are some of Safwan Enterprise’s transactions in March 2020;
Purchase of 450 feet of pipe from Siam Brothers at Rs.
80 per foot at 12% discount on March
12; Insurance cost Rs. 1,200; Invoice No. 20;
Purchase of 480 feet of electric wire at a price of Rs.
30 per foot from Medina Traders on March
15; Debt discount is 2.5%. Invoice No. 25. Conditions 3/15, net 30;
On March 18, Siam Brothers was given back 20 feet of pipe due to excess. Debit Net No-06;
On March 20, Medina Traders was given back
30 feet of electrical wires that were damaged. Debit Net No. 11;
See Accounting Answer
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
SSC 2021 Six Week Finance and Banking Assignment

Level: SSC Exam 2021, Category: Business Education;
Subject: Finance and Banking, Subject Code: 152;
Total number: 20, Assignment number: 04
Chapter and Chapter Title: Chapter-IV; Risk and uncertainty;
Assignment: Analysis of the effect of the quality of the
standard deviation in the selection of the investment field;
Learning Outcomes or Content:
(1)Be able to explain the concept of risk and uncertainty;
(2)Be able to identify different types of risks and sources of uncertainty;
(3)Be able to explain the process of financial
decision making using standard deviations;
See Finance & Bangking Answer
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
SSC 2021 6th Week Economics Assignment

Level: SSC Exam 2021, Category: Humanities and Business Education; Subject: Economics,
Subject Code: 141; Total number: 16, Assignment number: 04
Chapter and Chapter Title: Chapter-III; Utilization, demand, supply and balance;
Assignment: Demand and quantity of masks at different prices in Covit-19 situation
Price of mask (in rupees) Amount of demand (in numbers) Amount of supply (in numbers)
Drawing the demand line according to the demand line,
the demand line, the demand line with a
demand schedule of the goods of choice including the yagan line,
the balance price and the quantity determination;
Learning Outcome or Content:
Be able to explain the relationship between price and quantity of demand. Explain the
relationship between price and quantity of yagan;
Be able to determine the amount of balance;
See Economics Answer
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
6th Week Geography and Environment Assignment SSC-2021

SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
Level: SSC Exam 2021, Category: Humanities; Subject: Geography and Environment, Subject Code: 110; Total number: 12, Assignment number: 04
Chapter and Chapter Title: Chapter-VI Chapter: Barimandal;
Assignment: Report on landforms and resources of seabed with concept of atmosphere;
Learning Outcome or Content:
Firstly Be able to explain the concept of the atmosphere;
Seondly Be able to describe oceans, seas and bays;
Thirdly Be able to describe landforms and marine resources;
See Geography Answer
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
SSC 2021 6th Week Civics Assignment

Level: SSC Exam 2021, Category: Humanities; Subject: Politics and Citizenship, Subject Code: 110; Total number: 12, Assignment number: 04
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
Chapter and Chapter Title: Chapter-VI; Government system of Bangladesh;
Assignment: Analysis of Administrative Structure of Bangladesh
(Central Administration and Field Administration);
Learning Outcomes or Content:
A) I can mention the nature of the government;
B) I will be able to describe and
administrative structure of Bangladesh;
See Civics Answer
SSC 2021 Assignment Solution List
Exam Name | Week Number | Assignment Solution |
SSC-2021 | 1st Week | Answer |
SSC 2021 | 2nd Week | Answer |
SSC 2021 | 3rd Week | Answer |
SSC-2021 | 4th Week | Answer |
SSC 2021 | 5th Week | Answer |
See all subject assignment solutions in other classes here
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SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
Cause and effect Therefore, as a result, so, consequently Clarification That is to say, in other words, to clarify Contrast But, however, on the other hand
Example For example, for instance In the evening, I like to relax. For instance, I enjoy watching TV.Emphasis Above all, most importantly, certainly There are many reasons to exercise regularly. Above all, it keeps you healthy.
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO
SSC 6th Week Assignment & Answer 2021
Cause and effect Therefore, as a result, so, consequently Clarification That is to say, in other words, to clarify Contrast But, however, on the other hand
Example For example, for instance In the evening, I like to relax. For instance, I enjoy watching TV.Emphasis Above all, most importantly, certainly There are many reasons to exercise regularly. Above all, it keeps you healthy.
এসএসসি ২০২১ ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO copywriting
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
1In this paragraph Firstly however
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this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
963In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
In this paragraph Firstly however
most importantly Moreover In conclusion Cause and effect Clarification Example Enumeration
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