Assignment questions and sample solution for 7th (seventh) week of 2021 SSC candidates. SSC 7th Week Assignment has been published on DSHE official website
To get 7th week others subject assignment solution click here
Today we will discuss in details the seventh week assignment questions and sample solutions.
SSC 7th Week Assignment Question & Solution 2021
The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) has published the seventh week of
assignments for the students participating in the 2021 SSC examinations prepared by the Ministry of Education due to the covid-19 pandemic.
7th Week Assignment Solution SSC 2021
All concerned have instructed to take necessary steps to follow the hygiene rules declared by the government in case of giving and receiving the distributed assignments to all the students.
Seventh Week Assignment Questions and Answers SSC 2021
In the seventh week for SSC candidates of 2021, assignments have been given on a total of six subjects for different departments.
Assignment questions and sample solution links of the provided topics are attached below.
7th Week Assignment Solution SSC 2021
History and World Civilization Assignment

The Assignment of the 7th Week of History and World Civilization of SSC Bangladesh 2021 is take’n from Chapter XI of the original book – Language Movement and Subsequent Political Events.
Assignment: Essay on Language Movement and Development of Bengali Nationalism.
Indicative Question:
A) Background of language movement
B) Bangabandhu, other leaders and women in the language movement
C) The significance of the language movement of ’52 in the development of nationalism
D) Internationalization of Bangla language
See History and World Civilization Answer
History and World Civilization Answer SSC 7th week 2021
7th week assignment ssc 2021
SSC 7th Week Physics Assignment

The Assignment for the 8th Week of SSC Physics 2021 is taken from Chapter 8 – Reflection of Light.
Assignment: We always use mirrors for home decoration. It can be said that such a mirror is a
thing we use every day.
Now if you look at the mirror with your hands, you will understand that it is a flat mirror
A) Show the reflection we see in such a mirror used in the house, real or unreal
B) If we imagine a small dot A in front of such a mirror, a reflection will be formed.
Show it the position of the reflection of point A using different materials in your geometry box.
Then find out the distance ratio of point A and its reflection from the mirror and give your logical opinion on the result.
C) Draw the reflection of point A with the help of geometry box by turning the same mirror
clockwise at a slight angle (5 to 20 degrees).
Will the ratio of the distance of reflection of point A from the mirror remain the same?
See Physics Answer
physics Solution SSC 7th week 2021
ssc 7th week assignment 2021 pdf download
Business Entrepreneurship Assignment

2021 SSC Business Initiative 7th Week Assignment Chapter 4 of the main book – taken from the business on the basis of ownership.
Assignment: Analysis of the importance of cooperative societies in the socio-economic development of Bangladesh.
Indicative Question:
A) The concept of socio-economic development
B) The concept of co-operative society
C) Types of Cooperative Societies
D) Problems and Possibilities of Cooperative Societies of Bangladesh
See Business Entrepreneurship Answer
Business Entrepreneurship SSC 7th Week 2021
assignment 2021 pdf ssc 7th week
Economics Assignment

Assignment for the 8th week of SSC Economics 2021 is take’n from the sixth chapter of the
main book – National Income and its Measurements.
The 7th Week Assignment Solution SSC 2021
Assignment: A country’s GDP depends on the amount and productivity of that country’s land,
natural resources, labor, capital and technology. In the light of the above information, with the
explanation of the methods of measuring the total GDP of Bangladesh, present the formula for measuring the per capita GDP with examples.
See Economics Answer
Economics Assignment solution ssc 2021 7th week
assignment answer ssc 7th week 2021
SSC 7th Week Biology Assignment

Assignment of 7th Week of SSC Biology 2021 is take’n from Chapter 11 of the original book – Reproduction of Organisms.
Assignment: Identifying different stalks of a flower by hand-pen and analyzing its relationship with the medium of pollination.
See Biology Answer
SSC Biology Seventh Week Assignment Answer
2021 Assignment Solution 7th Week
SSC 7th Week Finance and Banking Assignment

SSC Finance and Banking 7th Week Assignment 2021 Chapter 5 of the main book: Taken from Capital Income-Expenditure Estimates.
Assignment: Analysis of the relationship of capital budgeting with the success and sustainability of the business organization.
See Finance & Banking Answer
SSC Finance and Banking Seventh Week Assignment Answer
2021 Ssc assignment 7th week question pdf download
Special instructions for students
Preparation of the assignment requires the use of NCTB approved textbooks for the scheduled academic year.
Evaluating this assignment will test the student’s own creativity. So if you submit the
assignment after seeing the guide or someone else’s writing, it will be cancel.
You must write your own assignment.
White paper should be use while writing the assignment.
On the cover page of the assignment, the name, ID, subject and title of the assignment should be clearly written.
SSC 2021 Assignment Solution List
Exam Name | Week Number | Assignment Solution |
SSC-2021 | 1st Week | Answer |
SSC 2021 | 2nd Week | Answer |
SSC 2021 | 3rd Week | Answer |
SSC-2021 | 4th Week | Answer |
SSC 2021 | 5th Week | Answer |
SSC 2021 | 6th Week | Answer |
How the HSC 2021 exam will be In March last year, the whole country came to a standstill due to the extreme corona, all the educational institutions of the country were closed. Although the rhythm returned to different sectors step by step, the door of the educational institution did not open. After more than a year and a half of stagnation, the secondary and higher secondary examinations are going to be held in November and the first week of December. Although the SSC-HSC examination is in the first quarter of the year at normal time, it has not been possible to conduct it this year due to coronavirus (Covid-19). As the lives of the students came to a standstill, the Minister of Education announced to organize two examinations in a short form in a short syllabus. Dipu Moni. HSC 6th Week Assignment Solution 2021 After a few steps backwards in the deteriorating situation in Corona, the Education Minister recently said that this time, in both SSC and HSC, six short examinations will be taken in three group-based elective subjects. However, changes have been made in the seating arrangement and question papers. An examinee will sit on a bench. Each section will be examined in three subjects. Time is one and a half hours and three or four out of 10 answers have to be written. Seats will be arranged in the center of this year's SSC and HSC candidates by sitting one by one on the bench in the shape of English letter 'Z'. The work of making SSC exam question papers and printing HSC question papers is going to start. These tests will be conducted in two shifts in the morning and afternoon.
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7th week Assignment Solution ssc 2021
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO copywriting
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO copywriting
7th week Assignment Solution ssc 2021
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO copywriting
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO copywriting
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO copywriting
choices.7th week Assignment Solution ssc 2021
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO copywriting
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO copywriting